Asteroids - Retro Games

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# Coleção - Asteroids  

Localidade:   SP - Cotia
Aceita Troca:   Não
Possui Caixa:   Não
Possui Manual:   Não
Visitas:   1517
Valor estimado:   Valor não divulgado

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Detalhe do Item
The objective of Asteroids is to score as many points as possible by destroying asteroids and flying saucers. The player controls a triangular-shaped ship that can rotate left and right, fire shots straight forward, and thrust forward. As the ship moves, momentum is not conserved — the ship eventually comes to a stop again when not thrusting. The player can also send their ship into hyperspace, causing it to disappear and reappear in a random location on the screen (with the risk of self-destructing or appearing on top of an asteroid).


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