RealSports Volleyball - Retro Games

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# Coleção - RealSports Volleyball  

Localidade:   SP - Cotia
Aceita Troca:   Não
Possui Caixa:   Não
Possui Manual:   Não
Visitas:   1547
Valor estimado:   Valor não divulgado

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Detalhe do Item
RealSports Volleyball for the Atari VCS does a nice job simulating two-on-two beach volleyball, complete with ocean view, a setting sun, and a roaming shark. The computer players are challenging, and trying to line up a player under the ball´s shadow can be tricky. However, two drawbacks somewhat diminish gameplay: both players must be controlled simultaneously, meaning sometimes neither player can quite reach the ball; and players can´t jump to block a spike.


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