Jungle Hunt - Retro Games

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# Coleção - Jungle Hunt  

Localidade:   SP - Cotia
Aceita Troca:   Não
Possui Caixa:   Não
Possui Manual:   Não
Visitas:   1493
Valor estimado:   Valor não divulgado

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Detalhe do Item
Jungle Hunt offers four unique adventure experiences, which repeat with greater difficulty once all four have been survived. If you don´t survive these adventures, you will not only lose your own life but that of the lovely Penelope, who has been captured by cannibals!The first part challenges your Tarzan skills - can you swing on the vines without plummeting to your doom? The second part pits you against a whole bunch of nasty crocodiles in a mighty river. Fortunately, you have a knife to fight back with. Don´t forget to go up for air! In the third part, you face a battle against oncoming boulders of varying sizes and physics. Once you´ve cleared all these treacherous hazards, you still must confront the dreaded cannibal, who is armed with a wicked spear. Can you get past him and save the lovely Penelope?


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