Enduro - Retro Games

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# Coleção - Enduro  

Localidade:   SP - Cotia
Aceita Troca:   Não
Possui Caixa:   Não
Possui Manual:   Não
Visitas:   1454
Valor estimado:   Valor não divulgado

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Detalhe do Item
Enduro is an action racing game similar to Pole Position. Your goal is to last as long as you can in an enduro race; each day of the race you are required to pass a certain number of cars. If you succeed, you get to continue on, fail and you are out of the race. The driving conditions will vary as the days pass by; not only will you have to drive at different times of day with different amounts of light, but the seasons can change as well. Snow, ice, and fog will occasionally appear to make driving more treacherous. With each day that passes, the other cars will become faster and more aggressive. At the bottom of the screen is an odometer, so when the race is finally over you can see how far you made it.


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